Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Acquisition, Use, And Disposition Of School Property

THE ACQUISITION, USE, AND DISPOSITION OF SCHOOL PROPERTY by MICHAEL LOONEY A DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies in the Graduate School of The University of Alabama TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA 2009 Copyright Michael Looney 2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii ABSTRACT This study examines the historical development of case law pertaining to the acquisition, use, and disposition of school district property. The study includes an analysis of 84 court cases involving litigation from a variety of states and court jurisdictions. The cases briefed in this study are clustered into subtopics to include the general authority of school districts to acquire, use, and dispose of real property in accordance with applicable federal or state laws. iii DEDICATION As with most worthy intellectual pursuits, this research study took an extraordinary amount of time and effort to complete. There were many occasions when completion seemed an impossibility; however, with the help of loved ones the starts, stops, and stalls eventually yielded the product here enclosed. My wife Gina championed my cause. She was patient, but persistent in her support. In my absence she assumed the role of mother, father, and study coach. In short, she has bee n an incredible friend and partner in this process for which I will always be thankful. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are manyShow MoreRelatedTX2 exam7040 Words   |  29 Pagesa Canadian private corporation, was wound up during the year. 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